Farla is one of the UK's leading supplier of medical equipment and consumables. Based in north London, the company sells to GP practices and health trusts worldwide.
Dowie upgraded an existing symbol and modified the lettering to create a powerful visually-led identity. We created the tagline 'Farla for you' to encourage greater empathy with the brand from practice managers (the target audience) and introduced a new font to convey a sense of modern, clean functionality, in keeping with sector.
Dowie designed Farla's 800 page catalogue. This was done by supplying key pages and templates. The design brief entailed cover, 'intro' and 'outro' pages, a range of different page grids and typographic specifications throughout (within constrains posed by the automatic page layout software used in Belgium), and sample applications for the most difficult spreads. Divider page styles, index page styles, full page product advertisements, and variously sized promotional space fillers were also supplied enabling a complete visual refurb without the cost of complete page by page artwork.
By creating this toolkit of styled elements, it was possible to produce the very large and complex catalogue without compromising the design and layout quality.
Bear aware.
Dowie also conceived and executed a teddy bear promotional campaign to promote the Farla name to UK-based GP practices. Two bears were designed and produced in liaison with a chinese supplier. Doctor and a Nurse characters were created with colourful histories as a promotional give-away. These engaging personalities have fed into Farla's social media activity, touring Britain and the world in the process!
Work produced:
Logo upgrade
Corporate identity
Product catalogue grids and design styles
Web banner promotions and advertisements
Promotional activity
Product photography
Teddy bear design and character construction
Sales promotion leaflets
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